Snapchat has always been on the cutting edge of new and exciting updates, despite its volatile status in social media. One of the new, playful layers it has introduced is Snapchat Planets. Which brings a galaxy-inspired twist to how friends interact. It is a fun way for users that like to rank and manage relationships on social support system. You can view your friends in a playing planetary system. What are Snap chat Planets
What Are Snapchat Planets?
Snapchat Planets is a part of Snap+/ Snapchat+, the paid subscription functionality within Snapchat. It sorts your best friends onto a handful of these planets in this solar system. For starters, your top eight friends are gamified as planets in the solar system. Their order on a list of loved ones determines. How many times each planet should tweet and they obey you tirelessly. Taking a cue from the order in which planets hang around our solar system. Each planet is sort of like different tiers of friends — close or far away.
For instance:
– Mercury is the closest to the Sun, and for that matter. This friend ranked as the first closest to you in this regard will be defined as Mercury.
– Venus, being the second planet, shall represent the second closest friend. And so forth all the way to Neptune, signifying the ranking of the eighth friend.
How Snapchat Planets Work?
The Snapchat Planets feature, much like any other, is based on the usage frequency and interaction rate with your friends. The more you chat, share snaps, and engage, the closer the planet will be toward you in the system. If you use Snapchat less frequently to interact with a particular friend, they fall into a planet further from you.
Here’s how the metaphor of the solar system works:
– Mercury is your 1st friend: the one you engage with the most from chatting, snapping to sharing moments.
– Venus is your 2nd friend: still close yet you are in relatively less frequent contact.
– Earth is like your 3rd friend: still within your top yet less as compared to the top two.
– Mars is like your 4th friend: a mid-tier friend giving off that sense of your regular yet less frequent contact.
– Jupiter is your 5th friend: You get back to those people sometimes.
– Saturn: Somebody you don’t talk to quite as much as the others but who still maintains a place in your circle.
– Uranus: Rarely speak or snap.
– Neptune: The outermost edge of your social solar system.
Worth pointing out: for this to work in full-that is, being able to see the planets with ranking-the other user has to be subscribed to Snapchat+, too.
Why Snapchat Planets?
Snapchat Planets uses users’ needs for personalization and gamification on the social network. Even down to the simplest things, like friend rankings, Snapchat makes it visual in order to keep up the tradition of fun and interactive social interaction.
This Snapchat+ feature is part of an entire suite of tools and perks aimed at changing the way one looks at the user experience. Other custom app icons, special filters, and priority story replies make up the rest of the package, but Snap chat Planets is novel in the way it decides to even showcase friendships.
How to Access Snapchat Planets?
Snapchat Planets are available only on Snapchat+, the premium subscription service of the platform. For $3.99 per month, or annually at $39.99, Snapchat+ does have a host of features that are not available on the free version of the app, including Snap chat Planets. To access it, users will need to:
1. Subscribe to Snapchat+ within the app.
2. Go to their friends’ profiles.
3. Tap the icon of a solar system-it will show them their ranking and corresponding planet.
Since this is a relatively new feature, this means it’s bound to keep maturing with updates from Snapchat, allowing users even more ways to engage with and visualize their friendships.
Snapchat Planets is more than just a quirky feature; it really represents how social media platforms could innovate by pulling together personalization, engagement, and visual storytelling. While social platforms fight for the attention of users, Snapchat keeps trying to stay different with creative updates like this. For those invested in the platform and their social interactions, Snap chat Planets offers a fun, new way to connect with friends and track relationships through an outer-space lens.
With Snapchat continuing to expand on its paid offerings, the Planets feature might just be the beginning of more celestial and playful updates to come.
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